Prescription Drug Screening
Though prescription drugs may seem less harmful than illicit substances, they can be just as dangerous if used improperly. Thousands of people each year experience negative effects due to misuse of prescription painkillers and other opioids, including physical and mental health consequences and even death. Save lives by investing in screening kits for your practice or workplace. To minimize the negative impact for workers or patients in New York, New Jersey and across the country, choose reliable prescription opioid drug tests from TOPLAB®.
The Importance of Testing
Screening Types
Urine Drug Screening
Urine tests are widely recognized as an effective method. After drugs and alcohol are metabolized, they can stay in a person’s urine for up to a month, allowing tests to reliably detect their presence long after they were used. Sample collection is fast, easy, and non-invasive, so your patients or employees don’t feel uncomfortable while being screened.
Oral Drug Screening
Oral drug tests are equally reliable and simple to administer. Saliva registers the presence of drugs almost immediately after use, making oral tests ideal for use under reasonable suspicion. The test can also be administered under supervision, making it difficult for patients or employees to tamper with the test or falsify their results.
Testing with TOPLAB®
If you’re looking for a testing lab partner, consider getting in touch with TOPLAB®. Local clients in New Jersey and New York can simply give us a call, and we’ll pick up the tests for you. If you’re out of state, we accept tests by mail. As a small lab, we help clients avoid long waiting times and can guarantee your tests will be in the lab as soon as possible. To ensure the ultimate accuracy, our state-of-the-art equipment is the newest in the industry. It processes tests quickly and reliably, so we can promise a fast turnaround and results within a few days of your screening.
Physicians have been urged by the DEA and State Medical Boards to screen their patients and closely monitor any patients on controlled medication to ensure their safety.
Overdoses are often blamed on the physician – even if the patient did not receive medication from the physician. The argument that is made is that it was the physician’s responsibility to ensure that the patient was not taking any other medication.
Accusations like that can easily ruin a physicians practice, or worse, lead to a malpractice lawsuit, or loss of a medical license.
Our clients can also benefit from our secure online portal. With it, you can view your orders and keep track of our progress. When results are ready, you can view them at your convenience from home or the office.
Order Prescription Drug Tests Today
Help identify and prevent prescription abuse with drug screening kits from TOPLAB®. Based in New Jersey, we serve employers and healthcare providers nationwide with fast, reliable prescription and opioid drug test results. To learn more or place an order, contact us at 877-355- 3580.
Why TOPLAB® is Your Top Choice for Prescription Drug Screening
Our processes are designed for readily available results
Quick turnaround testing
View results anywhere with our secure online lab portal
Local pickup services available
Easily access patient lab test results online via the portal anywhere, anytime
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67-71 East Willow street
Millburn NJ 07041