Many employers use drug tests to screen new hires as well as existing personnel before allowing them to complete a specific task. A significant concern for people preparing for drug tests is whether or not they can drink alcohol the night before. There is no...
Will My Prescription Drug Show Up on My Toxicology Screening? What You Need to Know
Toxicology screening is an essential component of the application process for many businesses, schools, athletic organizations, and rehabilitation programs. However, sometimes other factors may deliver erroneous results, leading to adverse consequences for...
What Is Forensic Toxicology, and What Does it Test?
The effects of different drugs vary widely, from therapeutic to mind-altering to lethal. The more dangerous substances sometimes play a role in tragic accidents and heinous crimes. For instance, a person may cause a car accident by driving drunk, or someone might...
Toxicology Screening: What Is It, and What Should I Expect?
Did you know that some drugs leave traces behind inside the body long after they've been used? According to research, millions of Americans struggle with at least one addiction. While a simple screening can't detect whether you have an abuse problem, a drug test can...
Why Your Medical Practice Should Send Blood Work to a Clinical Reference Lab
From routine blood tests to urine screenings, laboratory tests are performed in many ways. While some facilities can do many of these tests in-house, partnering with a clinical reference laboratory has several advantages. At TOPLAB®, we offer a wide assortment of...
Why You Should Get a Complete Blood Count (CBC) and What the Results Mean
A complete blood count (CBC) is a common laboratory test that healthcare providers use to diagnose different conditions and check for side effects of different medications or treatments. Importantly, a CBC can be an important tool for monitoring your health. Learn...
How to Use Concierge COVID-19 Testing for Work Conferences
The unpredictability of changing health and safety regulations, as well as new COVID-19 sub-variants, can make it seem overwhelming to plan a conference or trade show. While some organizations are still choosing virtual or hybrid events, many people are eager to...
Blood Tests You Should Get When You Turn 30
When you’re in your 20s, you may not feel concerned about your health – you’re young and you have your whole life ahead of you. Of course, it’s important to be proactive about your health at every age. Taking simple steps now to support your well-being, such as...
Understanding Respiratory Pathogen Panel Results and How They Should Guide Patient Care
During the recent pandemic, the focus was placed on a particular respiratory virus, the coronavirus we call COVID-19. But there are many other viruses, bacteria, and organisms that cause illness in the respiratory tract. From the common cold to influenza, humans...