Preparing for a Test
How Should I Prepare for Tests?
Many diagnostic tests require preparation beforehand. Before any laboratory test, your physician should discuss these details with you. Always follow the directions of your physician before any medical diagnostic test.
At the time of your test, the technicians at TOPLAB will administer the test, ensuring that you have made the proper required preparations. Below is a guide to several of our common tests. Use these as a guide, but to not replace the instructions of your physician.
General tips to make your lab testing experiences easier
- For some tests, such as a cholesterol or glucose test, you may need to for at least 8 hours before your blood is drawn. During this time, do not eat or drink any food or liquids, except water.
- Drink plenty of water before a blood test. This will keep your blood pressure from dropping and prevent any fainting or dizziness during the test.
- If your doctor does not tell you to fast before testing, you should eat breakfast to keep your blood sugar up. This may help prevent any lightheadedness or dizziness. However, do not eat immediately before your test if you think that food in your stomach might make you nauseous.
- Continue taking regular medications, unless your doctor tells you otherwise. If you take vitamin or mineral supplements, ask your doctor whether you can continue taking them.
- If you take heparin, Coumadin (warfarin) or another blood-thinning medication, tell the TOPLAB’s technician before your blood is drawn. We will closely observe the puncture site after your blood is drawn to be sure bleeding has stopped before you leave.
- Relax during the test. If you have any questions about what will happen before, during, or after, ask us and we will put your mind at ease.
- Bring something to eat and drink with you, so that after your test you can immediately have a snack. You may resume your regular diet after your test.
- After an hour you can remove the bandage over the puncture site. An easy way to do this is to take a shower or bath. If bleeding reappears, apply light pressure to the spot and put on a new bandage. Do not worry if bruising appears around the puncture site. Simply apply some ice and wait a few days.
24-hour Urine Sample
Eight to twelve hours before a 24-hour urine samples, refrain from the following:
- Smoking
- Coffee
- Tea
- Vigorous exercise
On the day of your sample collection, discard your first morning urine then continue collecting every time you urinate for the following 24 hours. Your urine collection container must be kept refrigerated during the collection period, up until it is submitted. Make sure to write your name, the date, and time on your urine collection container for submission.
Blood Work Testing
Before blood work testing, you must fast. The day before your test, you must stop eating and drinking at midnight. You may drink liquids, such as water, black tea, and black coffee, but do not use sugar, milk, or cream. Continue to take any medication you are prescribed, unless advised not to by your doctor.
Fasting is required for the following tests:
- Lipid
- Glucose testing
- Vitamin K
- Alpha-2 macroglobulin
- Calcitonin
- Carotene
- Vitamin A
- Cholesterol
- Coenzyme Q10
- Collagen type 1C-Telopeptide
- Lactose
Stool Analysis
A stool sample may be required to test for conditions affecting the digestive tract. Stool samples can be collected in either a thoroughly cleaned milk jug or in a stool collection hat (also know as a firemans hat). Fill containers with stool to the line indicated on the side of container(s). Remember to write your name, the date, and time on your stool collection container for submission.
Stool analysis can be used to test for:
- O&P (Ova & Parasite exam)
- C-Diff
- Adenovirus
- Occult Blood Testing
Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, and Chromium Testing
If ordered to undergo a Vitamin B6, Calcium or Chromium test, you must refrain from taking any vitamin supplements and alcohol for 24 hours prior to testing.
Cadmium Testing
Three days before a Cadmiun test, you must refrain from eating seafood.
Citric Acid, 24-hour Urine with Creatinine Testing
Three day prior to testing, you must refrain from taking. Consultation with your doctor before taking this test. Make sure to closely follow your doctor’s instructions before this test.
Copper and Copper/RBC Testing
Avoid vitamins for seven days prior to testing.
Get Reliable Lab Test Results with TOPLAB®
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