CBC with Platelet Count and Automated Diff.
CBC (includes Differential and Platelets) – A complete blood count is used as a screening test for various disease states to include: anemia, leukemia and inflammatory processes.
Electronic Cell Sizing/Counting/Cytometry/Microscopy
Specimen Required
Lavender (EDTA) or pink (K2EDTA) AND unstained whole blood smears.
Transport 3 mL whole blood AND 2 unstained whole blood smears. (Min: 0.5 mL. Tube must contain at least 0.25 mL of specimen AND two unstained blood smears.)
Storage/Transport Temperature
Unacceptable Conditions
Frozen specimens. Clotted or grossly hemolyzed specimens.
Stability: Ambient: 24 hours (without smears); Refrigerated: 48 hours; Frozen: Unacceptable
CPT Code(s)